Welcome to Platonic Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd

We are an inclusive organization that strives to provide high-quality training alongside software services. With a zeal and passion towards creating job opportunities for graduates across various disciplines, this organization was launched in the year. Our focus over the year has spanned from employing candidates for job recruitment to training freshers into potential candidates with strong technical knowledge and soft skills. strives to provide high-quality training alongside software-focused.



Key Responsibilities

Performance Evaluation and Recognition: With a focus on recognizing and rewarding excellence, our QA team oversees performance evaluation processes to assess employee performance, contributions, and development needs. We ensure fair and transparent evaluation criteria and facilitate opportunities for recognition and advancement to motivate and retain top talent.

Employee Feedback & Support

Our QA team actively gathers feedback from employees through surveys, one-on-one sessions, and other channels to assess their needs, concerns, and overall satisfaction. We provide personalized support and guidance to address any issues or challenges faced by employees, ensuring that their voices are heard and valued.

Workplace Culture & Diversity

Our QA team promotes a culture of inclusivity, diversity, and belonging within the organization. They implement initiatives and programs to foster a supportive and inclusive workplace where employees from diverse backgrounds feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their best.


Our success is driven by our dedicated team of professionals who bring a diverse range of expertise and skills to every project. With a team of approximately 20 members, we have assembled a talented and multidisciplinary workforce comprising project managers, trainers, and full-stack developers. Our experienced project managers oversee every aspect of project planning, execution, and delivery, ensuring that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the highest standards of quality. With their leadership and strategic guidance, we effectively manage resources, mitigate risks, and drive successful outcomes for our clients.

Our Directors

Sai sundar



Our Team

Nirmal Kumar



Javid Ali

Employer Quality Assurance Team

At Platonic Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd, we prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of our employees, and our dedicated Employer Quality Assurance (QA) team plays a vital role in ensuring a positive and supportive work environment. Comprising five experienced professionals, our QA team is committed to upholding the highest standards of employee satisfaction and engagement.


We are proud to maintain strong affiliations with industry leaders, including X, Y, and Z. These partnerships are meticulously managed and contribute significantly to the success of our projects. Our collaborations with these esteemed organizations provide access to cutting-edge technologies, industry insights, and networking opportunities, allowing us to stay at the forefront of innovation. Through well-established channels of communication and mutual support, our affiliations thrive, enabling us to deliver exceptional results to our clients.